The wear of trousers in the crotch is a problem that we all face. We will see what factors are responsible for this incident and how to fix it.
Why are our pants tearing in the crotch?
The fact that our denim pants tears in the crotch is surely one of the worst accidents in jeans that can happen to us. And there are several leaders.
The first: The wear. Like all other pieces of our wardrobe, the jeans wear out over time. Walking, sitting, crossing your legs, all these movements exert some pressure on the fibers of our pants.
Second: the humidity. Our jeans are permanently subjected to the heat of our body and perspiration of our thighs, which weakens the canvas.
The last factor is the quality of the fabric. Like it or not, our pants are not all made from the same fabric. The more fine fibers it is, the more fragile it is and wears out quickly. Subjected to the pressure of our thighs, a poor quality cloth tends to tear quickly.
The preventive method
To avoid being confronted with this embarrassing problem, here are some tips to adopt:
For washing
Unlike a T-shirt or shirt, cheap mens jeans are pieces that do not wash often. In general, denim pants wash about once a month to maximize longevity. It is best to put it alone in the drum to prevent it from spilling on other clothes, especially if our jeans are raw or dark in color. Once out of the machine, it can be dipped in a bowl of cold water and white vinegar to fix the colors (about a glass mustard vinegar for a liter of water). It is allowed to soak for 12 hours for an optimal result. Normally there is no need to iron his jeans (because it relaxes the fibers) unless there are huge folds.
Regarding humidity
It will be understood, the major aggravating factor is moisture because it weakens the fibers of our pants. To limit breakage, we can spray an antiperspirant adapted to this part of our anatomy or favor underwear without elastic at the thighs.
Repairing his jeans with holes
It's too late, our jeans cracked. So we fix it ourselves by following this DIY! If the hole is on our thigh, we hide it with a sewing patch. But to repair jeans with holes in the crotch, the only solution is a so-called invisible repair. To do this, we turn our fut upside down, we add a piece of canvas the same color as our pants, we sew with a special wire denim story to cover the entire hole with the Multifunctional Sewing Box. If the hole is really wide, we do not waste our time, we go to Kaporal get the latest model in fashion.