Friday, January 5, 2018

How to Make a Cheesecake?

The cheesecake is a cake that is very easy to make - and it looks good - and everyone likes it. Also, as it is a cold cake, then you just have to cover it well and it can last a few days in the fridge. If you're new to desserts, or if you need a quick recipe to get along with friends, cheesecake is your recipe. Next we show you how to make a delicious cheesecake.

 cheap baking supplies

 2 small (or large) tubs of Philadelphia cheese (or similar)
 6 eggs
 1 tetra brik of liquid cream for cooking

Steps to follow to make this recipe:
1. First, make sure you have one of container that is large enough to thoroughly beat all the ingredients. And there are many wholesale kitchen supplies provider will sell it. Mix one of the Philadelphia cheese pots - you can use any brand, this is the one I usually use and I like how it looks - three egg eggs, one small cup of cornstarch and one cup of sugar. Beat the mixture well .

2. When the previous mixture no longer has almost lumps , throw the other 3 eggs, the cream, a couple or three of large tablespoons of margarine and the other tub of cheese. Beat the mixture well until no lumps remain.

3. Turn your oven that you can get from cheap baking supplies provider online to 180 or 200 degrees so that it will heat up. Meanwhile, let the ingredients rest and, with a little margarine, smear well the walls of the mold or container that you are going to use for the cake.

4. Pour the mixture into the mold and, when the oven is hot, lower it to 170 degrees and introduce the cake .

5. Leave the cake in the oven for about 25 or 30 minutes. At that time, you can use an automatic cooking timer which can tell you the time so that you can do everything in this 30mins. To know if it is ready, you can use a toothpick or a knife and puncture the cake. If it comes out clean, it's ready.

6. When you take the cake out of the oven let it stand to cool . It is a cake that is much cooler, so if you can, when it gets cold, put it in the fridge and you'll see how the next day is even richer.

It's a very simple cake to make even if you're not too small.
If you want, you can give it a final touch by varnishing it with forest fruit or strawberry jam.

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