Tuesday, December 19, 2017

How to Grow Carnations in a Greenhouse?

Carnations are very beautiful plants because of their color. Also, to the delight of many gardening enthusiasts, the cultivation of carnations in the greenhouse is relatively simple. However, as not all of us know how to do it properly, and for this reason, we bring you how to grow carnations in the greenhouse, with all the necessary recommendations.

 garden supplies

How to plant carnations
The earth to plant the carnations is a rich but calcareous land and above all very loose, it can have peat or be a little sandy. The soil must be fertilized each time the winter ends and the spring begins with some special organic fertilizer high in potassium.

To grow carnations in greenhouses, we can buy cuttings in nurseries, at very good prices. But we can also cut ourselves from the plant if we have one. We have to verify that they are not dry and do not have leaves on the stem, so roots can come out; to have them we can tear them or cut them with the garden scissors that our garden supplies kit has.

If the cuttings that we buy in the nursery do not have raicitas, we can leave them submerged in water, this will cause some bubbles to start coming out, not many, or leave them in a pot with homemade compost and humid for a while until they come out a few roots and you can move to the pots or seedlings.

Then, we put one or two cuttings in the nurseries or small pots with earth or wet grit. The important thing is that it is moist without being too much water and that it is sufficiently porous so that the roots grow freely.

Greenhouse temperature
We have to ensure that the greenhouse temperature does not fall below 16 ° C (61 ° F) when night falls. If we can not maintain the temperature in this way, at least we will have to try to heat the greenhouse and keep it at approximately 5 ° C (40 ° F).

In this way, we can prevent them from freezing and we can keep the flowers longer. The carnations are plants that require sunlight to be healthy and big, so it is better to leave them in a place the greenhouse to that of sunlight for many hours if possible or prepare growing lamps.

Care of cuttings
We should not water our carnations too much during the winter because they do not need so much water. Of course, in spring we must be careful not to lack water; A good way to know if they need water is if the soil is very dry or some leaves are withered.

The carnations in greenhouses need support or Wands plants so they can grow strong. The time to transplant is in the fall, this time is appropriate for both heat and humidity. If we want to reproduce them, the best time is spring if our plants are annual, but if they are cuttings then it can be in summer.

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