Thursday, December 21, 2017

How to Prepare a Pepper Steak?

Pepper steak is one of the most delicious for me. I think the combination of stake and pepper must be the best match among the food. The thought of it always makes me desire to take a mouthful of it. So lets start to make a wonderful pepper steak now.
Before cooking this delicious dish, we have to know the ingredients and prepare as follows and then follow the procedures.

Xiaomi Stainless Steel Frying Pan

1 steak per person (preferably smooth loin or vetted).
2 tablespoons Mustard.
Pretty to Black Pepper (at ease).
½ cup of Cognac per steak.
200 gr. of butter.
1 head of Garlic.
Salt to taste.
2 tablespoons of English sauce.


1.- We add black pepper to each steak (in abundance).
2.- Then we will put a clove of garlic in each steak (grinding before the garlic clove).
3.-Now proceed to let the steak rest with pepper and garlic in the Xiaomi Non-coating Frying Pan(around 30 minutes minimum, the longer you let it rest, the greater the flavor)
4.-Having left to rest the steaks proceed to heat in a large Xiaomi Non-coating Frying Pan 100 gr. of butter until it is melted.
5.- Now we put our steaks in the Xiaomi Frying Pan to seal them (this means that we cook them for less than 2 minutes per side), then we add salt to taste and remove our steaks, we will leave them separated in a tray for a few moments.
6.-Without extinguishing the fire of Xiaomi Stainless Steel Frying Pan add the 100 gr. of remaining butter and remaining garlic cloves.
7.- Next add the tablespoons of English sauce, the 2 tablespoons of Montaza and stir.
8.- Then we add the glasses of cognac very carefully and with a match we set fire to it (a lot of caution in this part of the recipe), once it is on it is best to remove the Xiaomi Frying Pan from the fire, and wait for it to turn off, constantly moving the pan to mix.
9.- Finally we return the steaks to the pan and let them cook over low heat for about 10 minutes. (With the Xiaomi Frying Pan covered).

With this, we have our pepper steaks ready and ready to accompany them with an excellent rice or any accompaniment they wish.

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