Thursday, December 14, 2017

How to Make a Homemade Vegetable Soup?

Xiaomi Stainless Steel Pot

Home-made vegetable soups is a subject so vast and greedy that it deserved I give him a nice place on this blog. In the following, I will tell you how to cook vegetable soup in detail.
How to make a homemade vegetable soup?
A vegetable soup is very easy to do. Xiaomi Stainless Steel Pot is recommended, and to mix the soup in a mixer, a vegetable pass or a blender will do. But you can also equip yourself and opt for greater ease with the acquisition of a self-cooking, cooking robot type heating blender (who cooks and mixes the soup alone )

 vegetable cutter

What to put in a vegetable soup?
A vegetable soup can be improvised without worries and can marry the vegetables that we have in his pantry. Here is my method, it is a base that can be done with any vegetables, we can add pumpkin, cabbage and replace one vegetable with another depending on the season.
Cut a peeled onion into 4 pieces with the vegetable cutter and fry them in the Xiaomi stainless steel pot, with a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil (this step is optional, but I think it makes the soup taste good).
Add the peeled vegetables, washed and cut into pieces with the vegetable cutter. ( At my place it often comes down to leeks, 2 or 3 carrots, 1 or 2 turnips and 1 potato)
Season (salt & pepper, even spices like cumin, oregano etc.)
Cover with water and cook for 20 to 30 minutes, taking care to cover the Xiaomi stainless pot.
Pass the soup to the mixer (manual, otherwise called "vegetable pass" or electric ) and it is ready to serve.

With what to accompany the soup?
As a single dish, we add bread to the soup with buttered bread or cheese, or crackers or bread. Otherwise, there is also the omelet or salt pie solution.

Xiaomi non-coating pot

How to desalt a salty soup?
The ideal is not to salt the soup for cooking and to adjust the seasoning on the plate. That said, if it's too late and you've spilled the salt shaker into the Xiaomi non-coating pot, do not panic.
Peel and add two medium potatoes and dip them in your soup, it will absorb without worry the excess of salt (you will be able to recover the potatoes once cooked to slip them in a salad of cold vegetables)

How to preserve the vegetable soup?
Sterilize the vegetable soup
My grandmother filled jars and sterilized her. Practice it replaced the bricks of commercial vegetables! The advantage is that at the time of eating there is only to warm the contents of the Xiaomi non-coating pot.

Freeze the vegetable soup
Two options are available to you, you can freeze the soup either in plastic bags provided for this purpose, either in sealed boxes or still or glass bottles. It will take suddenly, anticipate a little-defrosting step that may take a little time depending on the method used (microwave or pan over low heat)

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